Sunday, November 13, 2016

TOW #9 - Clinton Supporters React to Election Results

A Devastating Loss for Clinton Supporters
     This image was taken moments after the voting results were announced at Hillary Clinton's election night event at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center on November 8, 2016 in New York City. Photographer Drew Angerer effectively captured the fear of the American citizens who would become victims of America's political system with Donald Trump as president. Angerer chose to focus not on one specific individual, but a whole diverse group of people: white women, colored women, colored men: all of whom are devastated by the outcome. This image which showcases the fear on every body's faces and a diverse group of people effectively convey to the audience about how a great deal of people feel towards our new President. 
     Throughout Trump's campaign for presidency, many racial and sexist slurs have been brought about. With scandals being uncovered about his mistreatment of women, tensions have been increasingly high days before the election. These high tensions brought about great emotional stress, and when the results were in, people broke. All of the people in this photograph are seen undergoing some sorts of emotional distress, whether they be signing in resignation or crying in heartache. It is not just the facial expressions that are important hear, but also the sheer number of people with this look of dismay. By highlighting a group of upset people, rather than a single individual, the photographer can get across the idea that many people are unhappy. Ironic how the happiness of the people is something that the U.S. prides them self in upholding. 
     By targeting minority figures in the U.S., Trump has created a great amount of enemies amongst members of the female and non-white community. Many of the promises he made during his campaign would bring disastrous consequences upon these people. Those who feared him fought desperately alongside Clinton, but when the results came in, all realized the fate that awaited them. Amongst the people photographed, more than half are women or colored. The photographer's decision to showcase people of many different races allows his audience to see the reactions of those who will become oppressed under his rule. Angerer is not sharing the fear of the white privileged males, but instead of the females and racial minorities. 
     The spotlight is put upon a great many of people who share two common characteristics: fear and being of a racial/gender minority. With knowledge of Trump's candidacy, all were frightened and could only watch with horror as their new President was inaugurated. They knew that Trump would not make America great again; at least, not for them. 

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