Sunday, April 30, 2017

TOW#27 - The Onion Article

The Onion

     In this satirical article from the Onion, the author writes about President Trump's "promise to work tirelessly to achieve (his) campaign's goals." In the article, the author satirizes President Trump's promises to make America great again through his/her use of diction and sardonic tone to convey how ridiculous his promises are. 
     Looking back on the past 100 days of Trump's presidency, it is clear that Trump has held true to his promises. In his inaugural address he threatened to implement new immigration laws and made promises to give jobs back to Americans. The author of this article refers to this "disturbing inaugural address" as threatening, and causing "tense, fearful glances" among the audience. The author also points out that his "intimidating assertions that he would seek out" were fear-invoking and very frightening. When the author describes President Trump's campaign and looks back on his presidency with a fearful eye, the author's opinion of Trump's promises are obvious; intimidating, frightening, and scary. The image of Trump as a man with a frightening persona can be visualized.
     The author also uses a sardonic tone when quoting President Trump to show how ridiculous his campaign promises are. Trump states that "Everything that I've stood for in this campaign, all of the goals I've set, I will work around the clock until each one is achieved." Many of his promises were hurtful to the unprivileged, so it is ironic that he would be so ecstatic while knowing that he would bring many people to their demise. The author realizes that there is a contrast between the audience's opinions of his ominous warning and his forward-looking promises. When the author includes Trump's "guarantee to the American that (he) will do his best to accomplish everything" he said he would do, the author is warning the readers of the future times. The author writes about the "collective gasp emanating from the National mall"" is reflective of the author and other readers' opinions on Trump's promise.      
     By using a critical diction and sardonic tone, the author is able to convey the flaws and potential fears of Trump's presidency while making things less serious by adding humor to the issue. Utilizing direct quotes from President Trump make show the serious side of this satirical article and the issue at hand. This article allows people to see the real threats behind President Trump's campaign promises and be more aware. 

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